Fire detection solutions for industrial applications
Keep your business going and your people and premises safe and secure. Scalable fire safety systems from Bosch offer customizable detection for every kind of industry.

The whole world relies on continual output from diverse industries for the supply of goods and materials, including frozen foods, medicines, car parts and cardboard packaging. Industrial sites are hazardous environments, with numerous risks of fires and explosions which could damage premises or expensive machinery. Resulting forced downtime, and repair or replacement of ruined assets, generates high unplanned costs. Bosch provides compatible solutions and smart systems with constant monitoring and safety coverage to protect workers and ensure business continuity. They detect multiple hazards and alert safety managers promptly, while reliably cutting false alarms and other avoidable emergencies. Remote maintenance services offer an easy, convenient solution which saves valuable time for systems integrators and safety managers.
Future-ready investment in fire protection

Vast industrial sites require equally large-scale fire monitoring measures. However, the high costs of a full solution rollout, the need to minimize production downtime, and time and personnel needed to integrate equipment, all necessitate a staggered implementation. In the meantime, a premises may be expanded with either new buildings or extensions. The risk of incompatibility between different technologies applied, and thus gaps in fire safety coverage, is extremely high.
Bosch fire alarm systems provide perfect solutions for large-scale sites and challenging scenarios. They are modular so specific fire detection solutions can be selected and integrated for every individual industrial scenario. The fire detection and alarm systems are backwards and upwards-compatible and can be updated and adapted at any time. A high-capacity network allows a system extension of up to 32 panels on a single network level.
“This is a robust, durable fire detection system.”
Going the extra mile with Remote Services
Like all machinery and devices, fire protection systems require periodical maintenance or upgrades. Batteries, sensors and other accessories must be replaced occasionally. Industrial estates, however, are typically nowhere near convenient urban areas. Traveling to these locations for routine maintenance checks costs safety personnel valuable hours. Bosch Remote Services relieves them of many unnecessary journeys thanks to smart IoT technology. They can now configure, troubleshoot and maintain fire alarm systems on industrial complexes miles away, from the comfort of any location.

Overcoming challenges in your industry
Every industry, its activities and locations pose unique challenges for safety managers. For many industrial premises, installing AVIOTEC video-based detection can provide around-the-clock intelligent monitoring for fire and smoke. However, Bosch provides a wide range of specialized detectors which work together to keep every inch of your premises safe from fire, explosions and toxic emissions. The right combination of solutions, and rapid detection and alerts, prevents unnecessary interruptions to business, protects personnel from injury and impacts to health, and guards material assets from damage and devastation.
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