Our partner The EDGE company

The EDGE company s.r.l. combines specializations in Artificial Intelligence (AI), neural networks and deep learning to offer solutions through cutting-edge technology products and services on a global scale in the aerospace, aviation security, training and smart mobility & manufacturing sectors.

Joint offering
BCMS VENTUR is an obstacle detection system. It is the world's first system that uses artificial intelligence in the specific domain to identify, track, locate, count and classify obstacles. In case of birds it determines their species at range. An integrated, distributed system uses Bosch MIC cameras as sensors to identify moving objects. The underlying artificial intelligence then begins to process each piece of information, tracking its evolution frame by frame, cross-references it with airport-specific data collected to date, and is able to detect and update risk levels in real time.
Integrated solutions
- MIC IP ultra 7100i as the sensor for the BCMS VENTUR
- The video analysis system uses so few pixels to classify, that it is imperative that the quality of the images is perfect. Only then it is possible to return highly accurate analysis and data.
- Airports for bird strike prevention (safety) and drone incursion (security)
- Windfarms for bird strike prevention
- Cities for both birds and drone detection
- Industries for critical infrastructure protection