New MIC IP fusion 9000i 9mm cameras provide maximum situational awareness for perimeter detection applications
February 2022

Wider thermal field of view minimizes prepositions to quickly deliver 360-degree coverage
The new MIC IP fusion 9000i 9mm camera expands the current MIC IP fusion 9000i line-up to bring maximum situational awareness to perimeter detection applications such as along a fence line at an energy or utility facility, data center, or other high-level security sites. The new camera brings a wider thermal field of view (70° x 52°), downscaling prepositions to six for a single camera to provide 360-degree coverage in approximately 30 seconds. Receiving a full circle view quickly lowers security costs per square meter, resulting in customer savings. The MIC IP fusion 9000i 9mm camera combines a thermal imager with a 1080p starlight camera in a single housing. By employing a unique technology, metadata fusion, the camera can blend object detection data from both thermal and optical video streams and display them in one view. It also can withstand all weather conditions regardless of lighting.
Choosing a lens option
Perimeter detection applications require different lenses to detect activity in and around the fenced perimeter. For short range applications in which a wide scene (360 degree) must be fully captured swiftly, the new 9mm lens is the ideal option. For medium range applications, the 19mm lens is the right choice. A longer range lens (50mm) is used in applications where long-range detection/early warning is important. For example monitoring activity along borders, in shipping channels or on airport runways. The video below Illustrates the difference in field of view between the 50mm and 9mm lens models.
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Rugged and intelligent by nature
As a member of the MIC family, all MIC IP fusion 9000i cameras are rugged by nature and offer built-in Intelligent Video Analytics, specifically designed to withstand the harshest environments. Even in the most extreme conditions, video data can be interpreted directly at the source to further improve the level of security or enable the video data to do more than security alone.
Metadata fusion
The MIC IP fusion 9000i 9mm camera combines a thermal imager with an optical camera in a single housing. It employs a unique technology, metadata fusion, to blend object detection data from both thermal and optical video analytics streams and display them in one view. Metadata fusion focuses on the invisible things that need attention and provides operators with overall awareness of their environment regardless of which video stream they are watching.
For example, while a person is walking in a tunnel, a serious incident takes place causing the tunnel to quickly fill with smoke. Due to poor visibility, the optical camera can no longer detect the person. However, the thermal camera with its special sensor will continue to distinguish them and the metadata overlay is visible on the optical image. An alarm is triggered and the operator receives notification of the event from both image streams and can immediately switch to the thermal image by clicking on the metadata. Once the operator sees the video data related to the event, they can determine the next right action to take.
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