Our partner Mirasys

Mirasys develops intelligent video management solutions to solve safety, security, productivity and performance challenges. Mirasys Video Management Software (VMS) utilizes metadata from surveillance cameras, thermal cameras, IoT sensors or Artificial Intelligence devices. The VMS provides standard interfaces between the customer’s backend system and Bosch cameras. These enables rapid integration and supports new camera models, metadata, and control commands etc. The platform is also highly configurable to suit many different operations.

Joint offering
Video security:
Mirasys VMS and the metadata connector supports all Bosch camera analytics metadata. The metadata translator uses built in “translation scripts” to support new metadata content from the cameras on the fly - without having to update the VMS software (or driver) version.
Full end-to-end video stream encryption is possible thanks to new Bosch camera firmware and Mirasys Bosch drivers that enable camera-VMS encryption in the first instance. This is supported by VMS-client video encryption to protect the last mile and prevent eavesdropping on network video content.
The VMS-client main user interface controls the Bosch cameras. New I/O buttons can be added from the system settings and connected to different Bosch functions as http I/O. For example, separate buttons can be added to enable and disable privacy masks or control physical camera outputs without additional programing.
Industries Bosch Security and Safety Systems and Mirasys are jointly targeting:
- Industry
- Logistics
- Security
- Safety
Useful links
Mirasys knowledge base
Mirasys partners